在对子句做减化时,除了原本在副词子句中表达逻辑的逻辑词、或是在名词子句中被当作连接词的疑问词,其他的连接词都可以省略。子句本身一般会省略主词和 be 动词,仅留下补语。而语气助动词和普通动词则会被处理为不定词片语或分词片语,也就是词类转化,从而以更精简的方式表达原本由一个子句传递的信息。
- 如果子句有 be 动词,那么需要省略 be 动词
- 如果有语气助动词,那么将其减化为不定词片语 to V
- 普通动词添加 -ing 词尾做词类变化
名词子句原本在主句中作为名词使用,而名词可以在句子中作为主词、受词、补语、同位格使用,属于不可删除的元素。所以减化后需要保持剩下部分的名词属性,如果不是,则需要做词类变化。总而言之,减化后的结果可能是动名词 Ving 或不定词片语 to V。
- That you don’t have a cell-phone can save you a great deal of trouble.
- Not having a cell-phone can save you a great deal of trouble.
- 名词子句做主句主词,主词一致,可省略主词
- The John was drunk is no excuse for the rude behavior.
- John’s being drunk is no excuse for the rude behavior.
- Being drunk is no excuse for John’s rude behavior.
- 主词不一致,不可省略主词。动词片语变化为动名词
- I dislike that I am kept waiting.
- I dislike being kept waiting.
- 名词子句做受词。我们并不经常使用原始句型,而是直接使用减化后的句子
- The actor’s greatest achievement is that he has been nominated twice for the Oscar.
- The actor’s greatest achievement is his having been nominated twice for the Oscar.
- The actor’s greatest achievement is his two Oscar nominations.
- 名词子句做补语。主词不一致不可省略
- I am happy that you won the prize.
- I am happy about the fact that you won the prize.
- I am happy about you winning the prize.
- I am happy about your winning the prize.
- 名词子句做同位格。原始句子中经常省略子句前的同位名词,需要做句子结构分析才能与其他类型的子句区分开
- 还原句子后,按常规做法减化
直述句通过添加无意义的从属连接词 that,构成名词子句。这种子句如果包含语气助动词,则可以将其减化为不定词片语。
- It is important that one be honest.
- It is important to be honest.
- That John should go on such a mission is suicide.
- For John to go on such a mission is suicide.
- 无法省略的主词可以借助 for 来解决语法冲突
有一类借助形式主词 it 而强调的句型为:it is … that …。在减化主词时,如果原句为褒贬义,则借助介系词 of 处理减化后的句子。原因在于 of 表达了一件已经完成的事的所属关系,完成的事情才能被评价。
- It is kind that you can say so.
- It is kind of you to say so.
- It didn’t take much time that Richard could learn skiing well.
- It didn’t take much time for Richard to learn skiing well.
- It didn’t take Richard much time to learn skiing well.
- 可以借助授予动词 take 将减化后的句子重构为 S + V + O + O 的句型
- I hope that I can get a raise next month.
- I hope to get a raise next month.
- 名词子句为受词
- The best plan is that we should wait.
- The best plan is to wait.
- I expect that I will have finished this book by next weekend.
- I expect to have finished this book by next weekend.
- It is a pity that we should have missed the show.
- It is a pity to have missed the show.
对于 information questions,保留连接词,而 Yes/No questions,则改写为 whether to V 的形式。
- I’ll tell you what you should do.
- I’ll tell you what to do.
- Whether yo go on or not will have to be decided soon.
副词子句只有在主句主词和子句主词一致时才可以省略,否则会造成 Dangling Modifiers。副词子句的减化方式与名词子句类似,所以不再赘述。区别在于副词子句的连接词表达了子句间的逻辑关系,所以需要具体分析是否可以省略。
Because he was itching to be playing again, the boy inserted more coins.
- Itching to be playing again, the boy inserted more coins.
Two Vietnamese patients died from avian flu, so that this caused widespread panic in Southeast Asia.
- Two Vietnamese patients died from avian flu, causing widespread panic in Southeast Asia.
After he wrote the letter, he put it to mail.
- After writing the letter, he put it to mail.
As it was rather late, the rescue workers decided to quit.
- It being rather late, the rescue workers decided to quit.
- be 动词如果省略,会使得 rather late 的角色不清晰
After it was redecorated, the house looks more comfortable.
- Redecorated, the house looks more comfortable.
- After being redecorated, the house looks more comfortable.
- After the redecoration, the house looks more comfortable.
- 尽管过去分词具有被动暗示,但我们也可以借助 being 来突出被动式
The case is closed now.
- The case is being closed now.
- 借助 being 是为了强调进行的状态,并进行词类变化
After he has been a soldier for 10 years, the man is quite used to taking orders.
- Having been a soldier for 10 years, the man is quite used to taking order.
- 借助 having been 是为了强调完成的状态,并进行词类变化
After it had been robbed five times, the store finally installed a security system.
- After having been robbed five times, the store finally installed a security system.
- 介系词受词须是名词类,且动词片语要暗示被动,所以只能对助动词做词类变化
When he entered the classroom, the teacher greeted the students.
- Entering the classroom, the teacher greeted the students.
The teacher who entered the classroom greeted the students.
- The teacher entering the classroom greeted the students.
- The teacher, entering the classroom, greeted the students.
- 居于句中的减化,如果不用逗号隔开,则具有指示作用。若隔开,则可能修饰动词或整个句子
The teacher greeted the students entering the classroom.
- 可能为关系子句的减化
The teacher greeted the students, entering the classroom.
- 可能为副词子句的减化
- The student studied hard (in order) to get a scholarship.
- The student studied hard in order that he could get a scholarship.
- The boy left home early so as to be in time for the concert.
- The boy left home early so that he could be in time for the concert.
- The air in the city is so polluted as to be dangerous to health.
- The air in the city is so polluted that it may be dangerous to health.
- The candidate made such an effort as to be sure of success.
- The candidate made such an effort that he should be sure of success.
- so … that / so … as to 引导的减化子句配合形容词或副词使用,其中 so 是程度副词
- such … as to 配合名词片语使用,such 是前位限定词
- While he is on duty, the officer never drinks.
- While on duty, the officer never drinks.
- If you are in doubt, look up the word in the dictionary.
- If in doubt, look up the word in the dictionary.
- That man used to be a gangster before he joined the army.
- That man used to be a gangster before joining the army.
- 减化后动词片语转化为动名词片语。
- After he was nominated for the Oscar, the actor became highly sought after.
- After being nominated for the Oscar, the actor became highly sought after.
- After the nomination for the Oscar, the actor became highly sought after.
- After the Oscar nomination, the actor became highly sought after.
- 介系词后需要名词类,可以直接使用分词片语或做词类转化
- I have been very busy since I returned from Bali.
- I have been very busy since returning from Bali.
- The fruit doesn’t turn red until it is completely ripe.
- The fruit doesn’t turn red until being completely ripe.
- The man can’t find a job easily, for he has a criminal record.
- The man can’t find a job easily, for having a criminal record.
- As I am a scientist, I believe in concrete facts only.
- A scientist, I believe in concrete facts only.
- 注意在意思清楚的前提下,也可直接省略连接词
原意 | 改写 |
although / though | despite / in spite of |
虽然没有 … 时 | without … |
- he girl is determined to marry her boyfriend although her parents object strongly.
- The girl is determined to marry her boyfriend despite her parents’ strong objection.
- The little resort town is crowded because there has been an influx of tourists.
- The little resort town is crowded, with an influx of tourists.
- When she heard her child cry, the woman rushed into the bedroom.
- On hearing her child cry, the woman rushed into the bedroom.
- If the river rises above the red line, the village nearby will be evacuated.
- In case of the river rising above the red line, the village nearby will be evacuated.
如果副词子句本来就有 be 动词或其他连缀动词,且后面跟的主词补语时名词或形容词。那么减化后就只剩下那部分补语了。如果认为句子结构不清晰,可以借助 being 来强调结构。
- Although he is a famous professor, my friend is extremely naive in practical matters.
- Although a famous professor, my friend is extremely naive in practical matters.
- When he was younger, the man could play mahjong for three days straight.
- When younger, the man could play mahjong for three days straight.
- Younger, the man could play mahjong for three days straight.
- I will do it alone, if that is necessary.
- I will do it alone, if necessary.
- The man who wants to see you is waiting outside.
- The man wanting to see you is waiting outside.
- Anyone that has visited Bali once will want to return.
- Anyone having visited Bali once will want to return.
- Do you know the girl who is sitting next to John?
- Do you know the girl sitting next to John?
- Grapes that are grown in the Champagne area make the best wines.
- Grapes grown in the Champagne area make the best wines.
- 原本的关系子句具有指示作用。且减化后剩下过去分词片语,具有被动的暗示
- A student who has been trained at this school is guaranteed to excel in any exam.
- A student having been trained at this school is guaranteed to excel in any exam.
- A student trained at this school is guaranteed to excel in any exam.
- 对于过去完成式,我们可以借助助动词 have,或过去分词自带的完成暗示
- “Big John” is a machine. + The machine drills tunnels.
- “Big John” is a machine that drills tunnels.
- “Big John” is a tunnel-drilling machine.
- That magazine is for women. + That magazine looks beautiful.
- That magazine which looks beautiful is for women.
- That beautiful-looking magazine is for women.
- I love these high peaks. + These high peaks are covered with snow.
- I love these high peaks, which are covered with snow.
- I love these high, snow-covered peaks.
当关系代名词是关系子句的主词,且关系子句为 S + V + C 时,主词补语可能为名词或形容词。减化后就只剩补语成分了。注意到如果是名词,减化后的句子就是所谓的同位格。
- A chimpanzee is an animal that is capable of some reason.
- A chimpanzee is an animal capable of some reason.
- This movies features Tom Hanks, who is my favorite movie star.
- This movies features Tom Hanks, my favorite movie star.
- This is not the right thing which you should do.
- This is not the right thing to do.
- If you like Cantonese food, I know just the place where you can go.
- If you like Cantonese food, I know just the place to go.
- There’s still one more person we must notify.
- There’s still one more person to notify.
- There’s still one more person who must be notified.
- There’s still one more person to be notified.
- 被动语态
- I’m looking for a motorcycle that my wife can ride.
- I’m looking for a motorcycle for my wife to ride.
- 使用 for 交代不定词片语的主词,否则会产生歧义