I'm not good at introducing myself not only in reality but also on the web. But even if I can escape, I still have to face it. So, the following is my introduction.
Dev, using React and TypeScript. Vim fans. Eighteen plus seven years old now, still have hair, wanna learn many things.
Writing, reading, playing video games.
Ok, stop right here.
Programming language
10-23-2023"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
Oh My Database - Data Models and Query Languages
07-21-2023"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
My understanding of MVI architecture
06-26-2023MVI architecture utilizes intent to handle state changes.
System's bizarre adventure - reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications
01-03-2023we hear these words a lot, what exactly do they mean?
2022 总结